DAMAGE iD Now Using KeyStore and Saved Passwords

In a few short weeks, DAMAGE ID has launched 2 new releases, thanks to our developer/engineer, Charlie Dalsass. Here’s what he has to say, “The newest release automatically stores the username and password on the users’ device which saves the agent TIME, and ultimately $$$$, during the walk-around process. This release will really save time for users.” – Charlie Dalsass, DamageID Software Engineer.

Be on the LOOKOUT for our BIGGEST UPDATE which will further simplify and provide quick access to the documentation process.  While DAMAGE ID was originally launched at the International Car Rental Show in April, 2014, by Jack Vercollone and his crew, it has been put on the “back burner”, so to speak, while Mr. Vercollone was operating his independent Verc Car Rentals and setting up a Sixt Franchise.  Currently, the franchise failed and Jack has retired from Verc, allowing him time to be FULLY invested in DAMAGE ID. 

With the partnership of Charlie Dalsass, we look forward to a vibrant re-launch into the Car Rental Market.

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