Unleashing the Power of DAMAGE iD with FareHarbor

The integration of these two platforms has opened up a whole new realm of benefits, streamlining operations, enhancing customer experiences, and ensuring business growth. In this blog, we explore the numerous advantages that come with harnessing the synergy of DAMAGE iD and FareHarbor.

1. Simplified Damage Documentation: Gone are the days of tedious paperwork and manual damage documentation processes. With the integration of DAMAGE iD and FareHarbor, businesses can now digitize their damage assessment procedures. Through the use of mobile devices, staff can effortlessly capture, record, and report any damages or incidents that occur during rentals and store them neatly in the damage report. This not only saves time but also ensures that accurate information is preserved for any potential claims or disputes.

2. Real-Time Communication: The seamless integration between DAMAGE iD and FareHarbor facilitates real-time communication between team members, management, and customers. If any damages are reported during a tour or rental, this information is instantly shared with the relevant personnel. Quick communication enables immediate action, such as assigning repair tasks, ensuring customer satisfaction, and preventing potential safety hazards.

3. Enhanced Customer Trust: By utilizing the combined power of DAMAGE iD and FareHarbor, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to transparency and accountability. Customers appreciate the efficiency and reliability of damage reporting, fostering trust and loyalty towards the brand.

To apply for a FREE TRIAL account with DAMAGE iD, open the following link:


DAMAGE iD integrated with Cars Plus+

WHY is it so exciting and beneficial that DAMAGE iD has integrated with Thermeon’s Cars Plus+?

This integration will allow users to use the DAMAGE iD App to inspect rental vehicles before and after check-out and check-in using the same Booking ID or Rental Agreement Number from your RMS.

The Renter will automatically receive an email with all the photos and the inspection report, which can be customized with your company logo.

All vehicle inspections, damages, reports will be organized in DAMAGE iD Web Portal.

Your rental vehicles will be synced between RMS and DAMAGE iD automatically making for a fluid and user-friendly experience. Thank you Cars+🙌

P.S. we’ve already started rolling out the integration to our customers!

DAMAGE iD takes on Las Vegas 2023!

DAMAGE iD takes on Vegas for the 2023 International Car Rental Show! Our team met with some remarkable people this year. Thank you to everyone who stopped by the booth and learned how they can save their company money with DAMAGE iD. See you next year!

Our Booth

We had some Great Conversations.
And gave some Awesome Demos!
We Lost.

Want to Use Rental Agreement to search for vehicle?

DAMAGE iD recently lauched the ability to Add the RA, Rental Agreement,  as a reference when looking up your Vehicle Inspections for iOS Users!! 😜🤗

Simply go to SETTINGS in the Portal and select RA Number vs. Case Number.

Once you Update, the RA Number will appear in the “Case List”/default Page.

Once you choose to search by RA Number, your App will appear as follows:

Using the RA Number as a Case Identifier will be MOST helpful when your Company’s RMS is integrated with DAMAGE iD.  We are currently serving Thermeon Users and soon-to-be BlueBird and RentAll RMSs.

We’ve Just Launched New Options to Customize Your Share Emails 🎆🧨

You can already add a custom subject, message and logo to your emails 😉.

However, we’ve added some new capabilities to make your emails more unique.

We have separated your email settings into 3 separate groups. This allows you to send a different message for different events.

The 3 categories are:

Inspection Report

To customize your email message just add the following fields.

For example, adding {{case_number}} will be replaced with the actual case number of case associated with the email.

This works similar to mail-merge.

The available fields are as follows. And they can appear in Subject or Body of the email

The feature can be found in Settings – Sharing.

We always enjoy hearing from you….http://www.damageid.com

NEW YEAR 🎆 brings NEW features for DAMAGE iD

While many were winding up 2022 with Holiday Preparations, DAMAGE iD was busy getting ready for a NEW YEAR Launch….

DAMAGE iD closed the Year with a BANG!!🎇! New features for Android Users: Spanish translation for the actual Damage descriptions…AND NEW icons for our Amazon Delivery Service Partners.

Fireworks for New Year’s 🎆🎇 with our iOS functionality of Customized Templates AND icon choices!! (Well, actually, we’re Nearly there)

ADD Silhoette here

Wayne is back … with a Brand New Feature – Contactless Customer Inspection

Imagine, if EVERY Car Rental Customer took his OWN digital inspection….Would we eliminate Customer Complaints Forever? How much time could we save? Employees don’t have to take photos and video.

DAMAGE iD has recently implemented a new feature that eliminates the uncertainty while accomplishing the rare win/win of better cost controls for the rental company and better customer service on the customer side. 

DAMAGE iD’s new feature called, “Contactless Customer Inspection” or CCI, allows the rental company to send a weblink to the customer.  This weblink allows the customer to do their own check out and check in via the web browser on their internet connected tablet or cell phone.  

DAMAGE iD allows the rental company to customize the number of photos/videos the customer must take to successfully check out and check in their vehicle.  Upon successful check out/check in by the customer, the time stamped photos/videos are uploaded to the rental company’s account.

“Contactless Customer Inspection” (CCI) is fun and super easy to use. See screenshots below.

This “Contactless Customer Inspection” does not require the customer to download the app on their phone and it has the potential to end almost all disputes over vehicle check in condition.  

To start, choose Customer Send Inspection Request.

The customer will receive a link which will guide them through the inspection. Once they click the link the inspection will open in their mobile browser.

Meet Wayne! Wayne will walk the customer through the inspection process in a fun and friendly way.

“Contactless Customer Inspection” is available for all customers – now -without additional charge.

For more information contact DAMAGE iD at Damageid.com/free-trial.  DAMAGE iD free trial.

Hot Summer Release for Apple Devices! Circle-Damages-In-App

We hope you are keeping cool We’ve just released version 3.8 on the Apple App Store!

This new version will help you specify the location of damage more accurately.

Tap to add new damage. Click “Existing Damages” to see already-added damage.

This version includes the ability to circle damage directly within the app.

After taking photos, a new screen will appear which allows you to review photos and add new damage.

You can add comments and identify the type of damage.

You can also click “Show Existing” to show previously added damage! (This helps you tell what damage is old vs new).

Once you upload and sync to the cloud, you can edit on the Review Portal.

Circled damages will also appear on exported PDFs (Share/Export features).

Damage will appear in the web-based Review Portal. It will be flagged with a red flag. Here it can also be further edited.

Apple and iPad (IOS) Users – Are you Running the Latest DAMAGE iD Version? Be sure to update to the latest version to get 3.8.

If you have any problems with the release let the A-Team Support Staff know. We’re excited to get your feedback!!

DSPs, Do you have Bad Drivers? Try the “Driver Name” Feature

Having problems with bad drivers?

DSPs have often requested that DAMAGE iD create a “Driver Field” so the inspector can be a different person from the person who drove the vehicle.

The DAMAGE iD software team has listened!

Yesterday we launched “Driver’s Field” for those who prefer to have dispatch managers complete the inspections!

This feature works great for trucking fleets, leases and transportation providers.

To Try it. Go into Review Portal ⇾ Settings ⇾ App/Photo Settings. Check the box, “Allow Company Admin to select a driver during inspection”. See below.

Review Portal ⇾ Settings ⇾ App/Photo Settings
Within Review Portal ⇾ Settings ⇾ App/Photo Settings, check the box, “Allow Company Admin to select a driver during inspection”.

Now start the DAMAGE iD app*. You will see the new “Driver Name” field.

*Android app only. Apple/IOS will be coming soon!

Choose a new driver name (just type it in) or search and select an existing driver. Any names you enter will be remembered the next time.

In the Review Portal ⇾ Case List you can see the driver name. You can also search by the driver name.

In “Additional Filters” you will find a search-by-driver-name.

The username is replaced with the “Driver” name column in the Case List.

We hope this great new feature helps with your driver accountability.

Here are a few articles on how to improve bad drivers and habits.

Best of luck with the new Driver Name feature!

DAMAGE iD keeps a photographic record of your vehicle condition, so you know when new damages occur, and have the PROOF required to CHARGE.

Get started TODAY by Downloading DAMAGE iD!! www.damageid.com/free trial

Increase Revenue by Charging with our FREE Damage Cost Calculator!

Many U.S. and International Companies are using a Template such as this:

Car Rental Companies are increasing their revenue by requiring Customers to be held responsible for the post-condition of the vehicle.

By referring to the Outgoing Photos Pre-Rental, the Agent can detect NEW DAMAGE and CHARGE accordingly.

Download your FREE copy in any format below:


But you can’t CHARGE for damage if you can not FIND and PROVE damage.

DAMAGE iD keeps a photographic record of your vehicle condition, so you know when new damages occur, and have the PROOF required to CHARGE.

Get started TODAY by Downloading DAMAGE iD!! www.damageid.com/free trial

DAMAGE iD (Rocking) the 2022 International Car Rental Show in VEGAS (Day 2)

Main entrance to International Car Rental Show (ICRS) 2022
Exhibit Hall and DAMAGEiD booth at ICRS 2022 in Hotel Paris, Las Vegas
Kudos to DAMAGEiD team
Time-lapse of DAMAGEiD team interaction with customers
Have to take a break and relax under sun and over pool!!
Proud team of DAMAGEiD
The Chandelier : Crystal-ensconced bar at the Cosmopolitan offers distinctive bars spanning 3 floors & a modern vibe.
Fun time !!!

DAMAGE iD at the 2022 International Car Rental Show in VEGAS (Day 1)

DAMAGE iD team is headed to the 2022 international car show in Las Vegas! Will be staying at the Paris hotel right on the strip.

We’re off! At Logan, Boston, we took Spirit Airlines. They are bare-bones but I really like them. Great price. I actually appreciate that they aren’t constantly trying to sell you “extras”. The fleet are small Airbus 319s.
Preparing for the demo at the trade show. Chandrahas making some last-minute changes to our new “contactless customer inspection”.
Arrived in Las Vegas!

DAMAGE iD Completes Integration with Cars+/Thermeon

March 1, 2022
DAMAGE iD has just completed its first customer integration with CarsPlus/Thermeon software. Avasa, a Hertz licensee from Mexico, is the first customer to enable the integration.

DAMAGE iD announces a new customer integration with Cars+/Thermeon and Avasa/Hertz.

The DAMAGE iD software captures events about key events within the rental process. Vehicles are automatically created within the system, and associated with a Rental Agreement number (RA).

When the customer performs a damage inspection, the car is already associated with the RA number, so the employee has only to enter this number instead of license plate, unit number or vin. This approach is more reliable when identifying the vehicle for the inspection, since plates change, vin can be difficult to scan, unit numbers change etc.
Within the DAMAGE iD Review Portal, customers can search via RA number or vehicle number.

The integration also includes a feature to email the customer automatically upon inspection checkout and return. The customer will receive a PDF copy of the inspection via email.

DAMAGE iD is excited about this integration and the opportunities it will provide to the Thermeon/Cars+ Users.

See you in Vegas!!!

DAMAGE iD Thanks all Canadian Truckers!

Thank you for standing up for our God-given, human rights. The right to life, association, free-speech … the right to informed consent, the right to truthful medical information and the right to bodily autonomy.

These rights are unalienable.

They never change. No-one on earth – no person or government – can take our rights from us.

DAMAGE iD thanks you for having the courage to risk it all for our rights.

You are true superheros!

Now on to victory!

“Superhero” by Anna (age 12)

With New Templates, DAMAGE iD Can Help Sell your Vehicle!

Over the years, we’ve heard many customers say “since we take so many photos and videos with DAMAGE iD, could we use those photos when it’s time to sell vehicles in our fleet?”

So… today we launched “Photo/Video Templates”!!

“Photo templates” gives you nearly unlimited ways to capture photos of anything. No longer are you constrained to the “standard photos” in DAMAGE iD.

To start, go to the Review Portal. Then Settings ⇾ Photo/Templates.

To start, go to the Review Portal. Then Settings ⇾ Photo/Templates.

Fill out the labels you want for your template. You can choose up to 47 labels!

Remember, both video and photos can be used for each position you choose.

Save the template.

Now go to the DAMAGE iD app. Log out (Click “Gear” or Settings icon to logout). Then log back in. Your new photo template will appear beneath the license plate field.

Your new template will appear beneath the license plate field.

Click “Take Photos”. Viola!

Your new photo template appears.

This adds a lot of flexibility to how you can use DAMAGE iD! For example, you can take pictures that conform to a vehicle sales software or website. Or you could inspect some portion of fleet entirely different from our “legacy” photo set such as tires… or the appearance of your front office (keep it clean and tidy please)!

Photo Templates are available on DAMAGE iD version 4.2 r67 (and above).

Let us know how you are using Photo Templates!

Let’s have a wonderful 2022 together. Happy New Years!

New Customized Options for PDF for Sharing, Share Log

When users share the PDF via “Export Photos” or “Share Case”, a PDF is generated (see sample) and downloaded or sent via email to your customer.

As of today, you can now also customize the email contents and logo the customer sees.

Use “Export Photos” or “Share Case” from the “Case” page of the Review Portal to download or generate an email for the customer or driver.

To add your custom settings to your email and PDF, go to Review Portal, then to Settings > Sharing.

The new settings page appears as below.

The information you enter here defines the email which will be sent to customers when you share the Case with them.

We’ve also added a new Report called the “Share Log” which shows who you’ve shared Cases with.

No more disputes about the condition of the vehicle or about which email was used sent. The log shows the entire history!

For accountability of vehicle condition – for rentals, DSPs, and all fleets, things are just getting better and better with DAMAGE iD!!

Please email the A-Team with any questions or improvement ideas!

Thank Angel ? from Mexico for our Latest Feature – “Share Photos from App”!

While in Vegas at the ICRS (August 15-17), we met hundreds of Car Rental Companies from diverse countries around the world. It was an exhilarating experience. (Be sure to see our blog post from Day 1, Day 2, Day 3).

We heard so many of our existing and (soon to be) customers needs and wants.

Angel from Mexico requested to Share the photos from the App to the Customer. (Currently customers are downloading the PDF in the Review Portal, then emailing the customer – but we can do much better than that!!)

Thank you. You are truly an Angel!

So… we just launched the “Share Photos from App”. This update is for both IOS and Android. Look for Android 4.0r61 and IOS (Apple) version 3.7 in the app store, then upgrade to the latest version.

It works like this:

After you complete the case, click the new, “Share Case” button. 

This will bring you to the mobile optimized share page on the Review Portal site.

Enter the email address of the recipient of the PDF report and click “Send”.

(ps. you don’t have to wait for all photos to upload to use Share, but the email won’t go out until all photos and videos are uploaded).


Note that the customer will receive both emails when case is created and after case closed (vehicle is returned)*.
*Emails will be sent once all photos are uploaded.

In the Review Portal, you will also find the “Share Case” button.

You can see how the email notification looks in the photo below.

A sample PDF file can be found here.

We hope you enjoy using our new “Share Photos from App” feature!

As always, contact the A-TEAM with any questions or suggestions. We love hearing from all you “Angels” out there!

DAMAGE iD stands AGAINST COVID Passports and Mandates

At DAMAGE iD, we believe passports and mandates are just plain wrong.

Mandates are discriminatory, divisive and mean.

Here’s why:

  1. What “Science says” is not settled. No-one can say that “science” gives us one single, approach, which can be forced on others. By now, it is obvious everyone (the CDC, the WHO, the US Government, citizens etc) has been learning as we go through this pandemic. Many mistakes and missteps have been made through these 2 years.
  2. Mandates should not be one-size-fits-all. Not everyone’s body is the same. Mandates don’t take into account previous, natural immunity, medical conditions, philosophic or religious objections.
  3. There is rarely guidance on who is liable when there are side-effects to the vaccine.
  4. Mandates divide our society into factions and discriminate against those with legitimate reasons to avoid vaccines.
  5. The idea that un-vaccinated people are somehow a harm to vaccinated people is absurd. If the vaccine works as advertised and you’ve had the shot, then you will be fine. Otherwise, at least admit that it doesn’t work. But don’t blame others for that. A vaccinated person is just as likely to spread it as an un-vaccinated person and they pose no harm to anyone (other than possibly themselves).
  6. There are no studies on long-term effects of the vaccines. It is still a massive experiment.
  7. The government and Big-Tech are actively suppressing legitimate medical information. That is wrong. They are sensoring the most modest voices – even those who suggest to do your research and not to get bullied into taking the vaccine. The censorship is just plain, creepy. When they act like this, how can we trust anything they say?

We aren’t asking for “likes”. But it’s time to stand up against these bullies and join against them. Join a protest, contact your newspaper … resist. Do whatever you can to make your voice heard.


Charlie Dalsass, partner and CTO.