DAMAGE iD is excited to partner with Charlie Dalsass from IQtransit, Inc. of Lowell, MA.

Charlie brings a fresh perspective, energy, innovations and experience to DAMAGE ID.
Charlie has worked for 20 years in the technology space. Charlie has diverse experience, as Lead Developer at Banta Integrated media (now RR Donnelly), co-founder and CTO of a web development firm, Neptune Web, Inc.,
He developed T-on-Time, a well-known regional mobile app for the MBTA.
He also founded iQtransit, Inc., which provides IT solutions for transportation and logistics companies.
Jack Vercollone, the founder and visionary for DAMAGE iD envisions a renewal for our software that is long overdue. Jack formerly worked in the Car rental industry. He is now devoting his full energies to DAMAGE iD and will be working closely with Charlie.
Paula Vercollone has been keeping the “ship afloat” for the past several years, and is invigorated to be working with Charlie and to share experience anD knowledge.
DAMAGE iD’s software replaces the “paper and pencil walk-around” in the Car Rental Industry. DAMAGE iD takes photos of the vehicle before the rental agreement is complete, dates and time-stamps the image, and sends it off to the Cloud to be easily retrieved. NO photo-shopping allowed – DAMAGE iD makes the process of finding images simple because they are sorted by case. The software brings integrity to the car rental industry protecting BOTH the customer and the rental customer from incorrect accusations.
DAMAGE iD will soon release an updated version of the software to make theprocess of finding damage even more efficient!