A Bold Mission to Washington D.C 🏛️!
DAMAGE iD has brought integrity to vehicle inspection and rental… If only integrity in politics would be next!
This week, Paula Vercollone, president of DAMAGE iD, travelled to Washington D.C. for the American Car Rental Association (ACRA) DC Conference and Boot Camp Panel.

During the instructional and educational training sessions on Monday, Paula sat the panel on “Damage Recovery”, and was asked a variety of questions on methods to capture. On the panel, Paula emphasized the importance of proof of damage – to make absolutely sure a digital capture of the vehicle condition is taken.
On Tuesday, she visited senators and representatives in DC to express the interests of the car rental industry to elected leaders.

There were dinners on both nights and plenty of time for networking and catching up with colleagues.
2024 ACRA Boot Camp was a big success. And … perhaps DAMAGE iD has brought some integrity and honesty back to Washington DC!